Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 11, 2009

El juguete rabioso (1984)

Silvio Astier pretende encontrar el modo de ubicarse en la sociedad. El joven desea ser escritor o inventor, pero el medio en que se desenvuelve no favorece su poder de imaginación. Segundo film del escritor y director teatral José María Paolantonio, basado en la popular novela de Roberto Arlt. Años más tarde, el realizador Javier Torre realizó una remake, con título similar.

Nos anos 80, em Buenos Aires, um adolescente se depara com o mundo dos adultos. A constante frustração de seus ideais e de suas fantasias geram nele um ressentimento profundo, que rapidamente se transforma em ódio. Este rancor faz com que denuncie um amigo, apesar de ter sido o único a dar a ele proteção e carinho.

Based on a novel by Roberto Arit, this classic tale of one man's continual frustration in trying to work his way up through an unsympathetic system has all the usual elements but is still quite effective. Silvio Astier (Julio de Grazia) comes from hard-working Italian immigrant stock, but his socially upper-crust love-interest is not impressed and leaves him -- his family does not measure up to her economic standards. Down, but not out for the count, Silvio enlists for officer training and although he is at first accepted, he loses his chance when he is bumped by someone else of less ability but more social status. By now, Silvio's frustration with his misfortune is increasing, so when he gets a job in a bookstore run by an eccentric Italian family, he makes some serious mistakes -- mistakes which only multiply through his subsequent bad decisions. Once this downward spiral has begun, it is all the more difficult to recuperate his eroding self-esteem and correct his transgressions.

ORIGINAL TITLE: El juguete rabioso
ALSO KNOWN AS: The Angry Toy (International: English title)
YEAR: 1984
DIRECTOR: Aníbal Di Salvo, José María Paolantonio
GENRE: Drama
RUNTIME: 105 min
COUNTRY: Argentina
CAST: Pablo Cedrón, Julio De Grazia, Cipe Lincovsky, Osvaldo Terranova, Lucrecia Capello, Aldo Braga, Roberto Carnaghi, Salo Vasochi, Juan Carlos Gianuzzi, Luz Kertz, Nicolas Frei, Mercedes Alonso, Mari Tapia, Manolita Serra

NUMBER: 0087516
KEYWORDS: Homosexual | Based On Novel

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